Blogger Friend School Assignment 16

 Quoting from Nancy’s blog:

"This week you are given $1000 PRETEND online spending money! The rules are simple for this assignment. Using ANY online store…write out a shopping list of what you would buy!  You can even post pictures of the items you’re buying, if you want, it’s not required.  These things should be things for YOURself ONLY! 
List the name of the website with a link and include product item # and cost…you must use all your $1000 without going over!  As a bonus every commentator will have their name put in a basket and I will draw three names of people who have signed the Linky and commented to receive a special prize in the mail from me!"

This assignment is going to be fun, but a bit hard. I’m a bit spoiled in that I have just about everything that I could ever want.  I would love to spend that money on things for my family and school, but that’s against the rules.  So here is what I would get for myself.

Just like Nancy, I would give the first $100 to God.  This is the best thing I could give myself.

Then I would head over to Lowe’s and spend the rest on a new kitchen floor.

Kronotex Swiftlock Dynamic Laminate-Colonial Maple- Item# 81562 Model: D438

You may think that this is not exactly for me but it really is.  My floor is the original cheap linoleum that was put in when the house was built 25 years ago.   The years have not been kind to it and it has not aged gracefully.  When you come in from the back yard, you see this:


 But underneath is this:


 When we bought the house there was water damage to the floor that needed repair.  We made the repair, but were unable to replace the floor with what we wanted.  More important things always seem to come up. There are other places that are harder to hide and have been repaired ‘McGyver’ style or waiting until they really need it.




Even though we wash it regularly, the sun has yellowed it, waxing it is of little use and it never seems to be clean.


I would love to not be uncomfortable when strangers came into the house. We hope to be able to get to it this year, but our son needs braces and that takes precedence.   So if I had a $1000 dollars to spend on whatever I wanted, I would get a new kitchen floor.

(And now if you ever come to visit, you won’t be shocked. )


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15 Responses to Blogger Friend School Assignment 16

  1. pureandsensible says:

    A new kitchen floor would bless me, too, if I needed it. I am having a hard time with this assignment. I'm thinking…kids clothes, home projects, next year's curriculum (books, books, and more books!) I have all that I NEED. Great job on your assignment and great pics, too!!!

  2. momofmhasr says:

    I had a floor like that for 5 years , duct tape and all, we just out a new floor in a I was thrilled!!! I know how you feel.

  3. imasharp says:

    Sounds good to me. I could use something here too. We have concrete with indoor/outdoor carpet. I know that sounds funny. We have a one room apartment in the back of our garage that we are in until we build. This carpet is getting rough.


  4. kellieann says:

    Fun assignment! I might have to go that route as well, since I have water damage to our floor by our back door (but our home is only 6.5 years old…the damage is due to an ill-fitting door).

  5. DaddysCHicks says:

    We did this two years ago this summer , we went with a pine look. My husband did it himself, he did the kitchen, living room, dinning room and hall way. Wish we would have done the bed rooms now. Have a blessed week.


  6. andijeane says:

    Great idea – I love your floor choice too!


  7. nancysnook says:

    First I want to say a GIANT Thank you to for the quilled magnet you sent me. It is soooooo beautiful!!! I want to learn quilling so bad…

    I like your floor choice too and I too, would love a new kitchen floor too. Our problem is that we can't decide what to do with the floor we have..cover it, re-sand and stain it, or just sand and paint over it. Thanks for sharing…I love maple colors too.


  8. mcgyver959701 says:

    Love the look of your blog!

    We changed out my kitchen floor last year. What a blessing that was.

    Thanks for sharing, this was a fun assignment.



  9. lahbluebonnet says:

    My floors were quickly looking that way after only 8 years! I hope you can get your dream floor someday!



  10. momofneb says:

    There's nothing wrong with wanting a new floor! I never thought of that! Good job!

    ~ Kim

  11. mamasmurf says:

    A new kitchen floor is OK by me!


  12. pottershand says:

    I did not think about that. We are hoping to be able to do some remodeling in our kitchen this summer.

  13. JenofAvonlea says:

    I think we have twin floors, LOL!

    I enjoyed reading your post, and good to know there is someone else who cleans her floor and it still looks dirty! I sypathize!

    Also, your thankful, content attitude just shines through, and is wonderful to read. 🙂



  14. kympossible says:

    I think a new floor would be a great way to spend the money! LOL at the "macgyver style" repairs. That's most of the repairs at my house too.



  15. bethanyrae says:

    What a wonderful idea! Me, too!!! We have a heavy mat at the kitchen door to cover a big tear from a once upon a time puppy. And it's this pitted linoleum, so it holds the dirt in the tiny pits and always looks dirty. Maybe I should redo mine!


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