Blogger Friend School-We Bring Good Things to Life

Memory Verse:
Philippians 4:8
In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy.

Share a field trip/lifestyle learning experience where you really felt you were bringing good things to life for your children, where something came alive for them, or ignited a passion.

There have been so many events in my children’s lives that seemed to give them passion about something. Simple life experiences spark their interests and they take it from there.

When my oldest was young we really thought that he would work on or with heavy equipment. At 3 years old he would spend literally hours playing with his Matchbox trucks along the bay window sill. He would watch and imitate the construction workers who were just outside the window preparing the road in front of the house for paving. Then when he was about 6 we were stuck in traffic because of a fire and we watched as the firemen put it out. When he was a young teen he was given an old IBM Tandy computer and he learned, on his own, computer language. By the time he was 14 or 15, he had taught himself PowerPoint, created a presentation and won 1st place nationally and 2nd place internationally in competition. Now as an adult he is a Computer Systems Specialist with a pretty big company and wants to be a fireman.

All of my children have always been the outdoorsy types, but my younger son has a passion for it and animals. When he was younger he watched my husband and father take down a dead tree and he wanted to be a ‘tree-cutter man’. From a very early age, his room has housed various collections of ‘habitats’ that he has created for an unending number of creeping and crawling creatures. He has captured lizards, pollywogs, tree frogs, and various insects. He creates appropriate homes for them, studies them then lets them go. He has observed the metamorphosis of a frog, done experiments regarding the camouflage traits of lizards, and most recently learned he doesn’t want crickets in his room because they kept him up at night with their songs. When not in school, he can easily be found either in the garage building something to house creatures or somewhere outside. He wanted to be a marine biologist engineer, but I have a strong feeling he may become a Ranger or something of the like.

When my daughter was a toddler she always wanted to see your teeth and would insist on looking into your mouth. She would go to the dentist with me and sit on the floor watching as the dentist worked on my teeth. She is now debating on her future as either a dental hygienist or a meteorologist. Her favorite channel is the Weather Channel, and has been for years. She watches it all the time. Weather has always held her interest. While she does not like it when the skies become dark and becomes fixated about knowing the current conditions, she is our resident weather girl giving us forecasts on a regular basis.

As I see it, there doesn’t seem to be any one particular incident that sparks interest in my children, but a series of many events that shapes and forms their passions and desires. I can’t take the credit for specific events that lead to these interests. God has already placed these fires in their hearts and I am privy to be able to see them develop.

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5 Responses to Blogger Friend School-We Bring Good Things to Life

  1. PuddleJumpers says:

    Hi, I love the end of your post "God put the fire in their heart already." Lovely, and true! My oldest sounds a lot like your youngest son with the bugs in his room and stuff, she is always doing that and creating habitats for assorted creatures. I love it, my mom would never let me do that growing up, I on the otherhand will share my kitchen counter with a tightly sealed container of caterpillars! Lovely post! ~Lori

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am always amazed at how God make boys and girls so diffrent. My girls are afraid of bugs and such and my son just loves anything creepy crawly.

    Like your post.


  3. RebeccaC says:

    I love your last two sentences! I couldn't agree more!!!

    So many times all we need to do is fan the flames a bit — just say "Yes", even though "No" would be cleaner, quieter, less expensive…

    Have a blessed week!!!


  4. nikkisimcox says:

    Great post! I love watching the Lord work in the hearts and minds of our children. Our oldest DS learned to play guitar because he wanted to be able to play in church and praise God he does now. Our oldest DD wanted to be a forensic scientist for the longest time but she has it on her heart to write and be an author. No matter what path our four Blessings take we always encourage them to let God lead them and make their decisions based on His will. Blessings! ~ Nikki

  5. Sunshineonmyshoulder says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, I have a son that conerned me when he a child, he liked to set things on fire. He now aspires to have a career in firefighting, specifically Arson Investigator. WHEW! He should be good at that one! Thanks again.

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