My Top Ten Must Have Items for Homeschooling

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little BlessingsContinuing with Many Little Blessings and 10 in 10 series, this week’s topic is our top 10 must have items. I am not sure if this would mean the top 10 must have items that I would like to have or the top 10 items must have items I do have. I think I will go with the latter and appreciate my top 10 must have items that I already have and that have made our homeschooling years run a little more smoothly.

10 in 10

  1. My Bible– I would not be able to travel this road without the Word of God to encourage and guide me.
  2. My three in one printer– With so much of our curricula coming from e-books or being created by me, this has been indispensible. Being able to make multiple copies (for those items that multiple copies are allowed) has saved us money in the long run. I also liked to scan some of their work, especially their artwork, to keep as a digital reminder of their achievements.
  3. My comb binding machine-This has been great after printing out some of the kids e-curricula.
  4. The internet-Not only has it put the world at our fingertips but it has brought many new people into our lives that have encouraged and supported us along the way.
  5. A camera-What better way to document our homeschooling years than through photographs.
  6. Homeschool Tracker software– I have been using this pretty much from the first year we started homeschooling. It has streamlined lesson planning, the required reports that need to be generated and gives me the flexibility I need to rearrange assignments when necessary. It also has a great journaling feature that I have used from time to time to record milestones and special achievements. I highly recommend this program.
  7. Three ring binders-From the very beginning we have used a three ring binder for every subject. In them they store any extra worksheets, projects, notebooking, and reading material needed to complete their assignments. The kids also have a separate binder that holds their assignment sheets and various reference sheets for easy access. I have a large binder that I store all my teacher materials and notes.

8-10. Imagination, inspiration, and perseverance. While these may not be physical items, they are, to me, the most important “must have” items in our homeschool. Without them I think we would be lost.

Are any of my must have items on your list?

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7 Responses to My Top Ten Must Have Items for Homeschooling

  1. Love your 8-10! Absolutely essential!

  2. Jenilee says:

    YES! I love #8-10!!

  3. Mary says:

    Great list- I don’t know how I could have forgotten my Homeschool Tracker!!

  4. Sharla says:

    Where did you get your binding machine? I would love to get something like that to be able to assemble all my printables for the kids.

    • Ginny says:

      I found my binding maching on e-bay a few years ago. It works pretty good though if I try to do too many pages at once I mess up and have to reprint those pages. Very frustrating at times but still nice to have as long as I take my time.

  5. Mary says:

    Thanks for coming by my blog. I got the Desk Apprentice at Staples. 🙂

  6. 8 – 10 are absolutely necessary, aren’t they?

    Fabulous list! 🙂

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