Our 25th Anniversary

Today is a very special day. 25 years ago, in a modest ceremony attended by a few friends and family, my husband and I began our married life together. As I think back over the years, the ups and downs, the good times and the rough times, and everything in between, I am assured, without a doubt, that we are meant to walk this world together. God has blessed our marriage with many wonderful gifts that have helped us through. In addition to remaining in love with each other, we have an even deeper friendship and companionship that has stood the trials along the way. We have learned to agree to disagree, to compromise when needed, to talk everything through and to respect the other’s feelings and opinions. When the molehills seemed to become mountains, we have tackled them together. Laughter has filled many hours of our life together because we have learned not to take ourselves too seriously. We trust our Father in heaven for the direction that He wishes us to take and lean on Him to keep our relationship strong. I consider myself to be one of the most blessed women on earth because I found and married my soul mate.

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6 Responses to Our 25th Anniversary

  1. psalms16vs2 says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!

    That is such a cute picture. 🙂


  2. 4sweetums says:

    How wonderful for you all. You look so cute together. Your dress looks lovely too. Here is to 25 more and beyond!



  3. Daddy says:

    Happy 25th Anniversary.

    I also pray that you have 25+ more worderfull and blessed years. As the children grow up and move on, the next 25 will be even better.

  4. chelesteve says:

    Hope you had a great day yesterday 🙂

  5. blestmom says:

    What a sweet picture….hope you had a wonderful anniversary!


  6. proverbsmama says:

    Happy Anniversary! My sis-in-law's b-day is the same day as your anniversary! Small world!

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