Toothache Update

Thank you all for your kind words of comfort. It has been a rough few days. Friday was awful. I was so ill. I thought it was the medication, but when I called the dentist he said it was from the abscesses. I’m not so sure. I slept most of the day and was so sick to my stomach. I quit taking the pain medication he gave me and stuck with Advil. By Saturday I was feeling better, but still not 100%. Yesterday was much better, but the pain persists. I surely will be happy to have this taken care of. I have been having trouble concentrating on tasks. I can’t sing the praises of my daughter enough. I am so blessed by her natural nurturing skills. That’s not to make light of the sweetness of my son or my husband. My mom and dad have been so caring also. I don’t get sick often where I am pretty much knocked out but when I do, boy! I am a bit nervous about going to the dentist tomorrow afternoon. He told me that they will cut the gum near the abscesses and clean it all out. I’m a big baby when it comes to the thought of incisions. But I am very lucky that my dentist is a Christian and depends on God totally for his expertise.

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3 Responses to Toothache Update

  1. Sawickis says:

    Isn't it nice to see how people care for you?

    What wonderful news about your son. And how sweet that he had his dad go along to help buy the ring!


  2. ReviewsbyHeidi says:

    …on your son's engagement. That is so sweet that your hubby went along to help pick out the ring- how very special. I bet it's hard to believe that he's old enough to get married. Sounds like a good situation, though!

    Sorry about your toothache. Ashley says she can relate in a way – she's cutting her wisdom teeth!

  3. Daddy says:

    Sorry the toothache pain has not subsided. I don't think that anyone enjoys a visit to the dentist or oral


    I know that each time I've had work done on my teeth,

    I prayed Psalm 23 while waiting for my regular "torture treatments". It seems to help me to pray as they work on my teeth.

    You are in my prayers (always).

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