So Many Blessings

I am so excited. If you remember I got my long awaited new kitchen floor as a surprise back in October. Well this weekend I was super blessed again with a new stove. My old one was getting ready to be a huge paperweight in the middle of the kitchen. The burners would short out and the oven door had multiple cracks in the glass. Cooking was more of a challenge than anything else. So my darling husband took me out Sunday afternoon to just look at what was out there. At first I really wanted one of those double ovens, but after looking at them more closely and discovering that the big oven door opens so close to the floor I re-thought it. I just turned 46 last week and the thought of hauling a 20 pound turkey from that level up to the kitchen counter caused me to shudder. I would have to have serious muscles to do that for the next 20 years. I have my doubts about that.

Then we were confused about convection ovens. I have heard a lot about them but have no idea how to use them.  Well, we went from store to store looking at way to many different stoves trying to learn as much as we could. We had started at Sears just to get a price range. We were not planning to buy anything from them. We had issues. Well after looking at about 4 more different stores we ended up back at Sears. We were just looking to get a list of features on a model. There had been one that really seemed to have all the things on my wish list, but it was priced quite a bit out more than we wanted to spend. The woman that had been answering our questions on our first visit came over and told us that it was on clearance and had been for a while.  So I asked her if she could see how low they would go on the price. I thought maybe they would bring it down a hundred or so. When she came back to me with the discounted price, we said we’d take it right there on the spot. It was an unbelievable discount, more than half-off the original price. God is so good. He sends His blessings just when you least expect it.

I tried to get a good picture of it but it’s hard in my kitchen because the stove is in the middle of the floor, but check out this website and you will see all about it including the price. (We got it for half the sale price)

I used the convection oven and meat probe for the very first time to make a roast and I’ll tell I never made such a great roast in my life. It tasted like it came from a restaurant only better. I did nothing different than I had in the past but with the probe a buzzer goes off when the meat is at the set temperature. It is so great to have an oven and stove that works properly. I am actually excited to cook again and it has been many years since I felt that way.

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3 Responses to So Many Blessings

  1. lahbluebonnet says:

    How exciting! I have a convection oven,probe, proof feature, warming feature, etc, etc, etc…and it has to stay with the house. sigh Wonder what I'll cook with in VA.



  2. sikoraaj says:

    I am so excited for you! Now if only I could get a new stove!!!

  3. Haflingerhorses says:

    I never knew much about a convection oven. If I ever get a new one I'll have to remember what you said. It sounds really good. Congratulations on your blessing!


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