Dear Father in Heaven, on my knees I pray,
Make me the woman You can use today,
Remind me to see every good thing,
And all the beauty life can bring.
With the bustle and busy of everyday life,
Help me, dear Lord, to be a good wife,
Don’t let me forget how lucky I am,
You put us together to fit Your plan.
Against words of complaint, guard my tongue,
Let my words be as honey to my young,
Let my actions speak loudly of all Your ways,
So my children remember them all of their days.
And through the day I may stumble and fall,
Let my ears be open to hear Your call,
Direct my path and lead me back to You,
That I may do what You want me to.
Thank-you, dear Father, for hearing my plea,
And helping me to be who You want me to be,
Use me, dear Lord, as a woman of light,
To make this day pleasing in Your sight.
©2007 Virginia Donahue
I've been playing around with the look…dh laughed at all the purple, and I told him nothing could be too purple…well, except for a person. I can't figure out a whole lot at a time, so I changed a little bit here and there. I had another one to practice on as well, but I can't seem to sign in on it lately.