One small voice cried out in the dark,
Who will hear my plea?
Through tears and fears,
And endless years,
Who will set me free?
One frail voice called into the night,
Who will heal my pain?
And take away,
The cares of the day,
And make me whole again?
One grim voice whispered hopelessly,
Who will heed my cry?
Is anyone there?
Does anyone care?
On whom can I rely?
One still voice gently answered,
Open up your heart.
Let go of sin,
And let Me in,
I’ve been here from the start.
One sweet voice heard so clear,
My child, rely on Me.
I’ll heal your pain,
Make you whole again,
I’m here to set you free.
One strong voice speaks to the heart,
Who will make the choice?
To live in strife,
Or have new life,
To answer the One Voice.
©2007 Virginia Donahue
I enjoyed this one! Great message, and I really love the rhyme as it weaves through!
The rain yesterday out here inspired me…I actually completed a poem I thought of last year, and wrote a couple more!