Sew Crafty Friday-Skating Skirt


Sew CraftyShereen at Waiting for Him hosts Sew Crafty Friday.

My daughter loves to skate, but skating costumes in her size don’t quite fit right and aren’t as modest as I prefer.  I made her this skirt a couple of weeks ago because she wanted something that flared out when she did spins. This was the first time I had made a circular skirt and I learned two things.  One thing is that I probably won’t make a circular skirt again.  What a pain it was to hem.  The second was that I will probably avoid sequined material in the future.  It gunked up my needle and broke the thread constantly no matter what size needle I used.  I spent more time re-threading the machine and getting the stickiness off the needle then actually sewing the skirt. But my daughter was so pleased with the end product in her favorite color, so it was worth the frustration.




Here she is in mid spin enjoying her new outfit.  We bought leggings to wear underneath and she wore a black jacket to stay warm. 


BTD skate skirt


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6 Responses to Sew Crafty Friday-Skating Skirt

  1. Anonymous says:

    Mom2fur of here! Wow, you did a great job. Your hard work paid off and the skirt is beautiful. I agree, circular skirts take forever to hem. And some fabrics are best avoided. I've never worked with that sequiny stuff, and it's been ages since I tackled velvet.

    BTW, last time I was able to skate I was in the fourth grade…about 45 years ago. Fourth grade was my graceful year–I could jump rope and skate. Haven't been able to do either since, LOL! But your daughter looks great on the ice!

  2. kellieann says:

    Totally snazzy! How blessed your daughter is to have a seing mom. I nearly drove myself crazy last year sewing an apron for Annaleigh's Anne of Green Gables costume!

  3. lahbluebonnet says:

    This is great! Too bad you had trouble.I've always wondered how it went sewing skating costumes! (I love ice skating…watching…I can't do it myself, although I dream about it.) And here I thought I'd read some answers. =) Surely there is a place where you can get some tips.



  4. ReviewsbyHeidi says:

    That skating skirt looks great! You did a wonderful job.


  5. ReviewsbyHeidi says:

    …..both the reviews are posted on their website (I believe I've also posted them both on my blog as well). I was just flattered to (finally) see them in print!


  6. eclecticeducation says:

    Wow! It's very beautiful!!! 🙂

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