
When the guys returned from their fishing trip they went straight to my parent’s house. We met there to celebrate my Dad’s birthday. My son and his fiancé. So happy hubby was home. After we went home I received a call from my mom that my Aunt and Uncle were going to be there in a bit. I was so excited. We see them every few years or so. They are my Godparents and I … Continue reading

Lonely Weekend

This past weekend was so quiet for me. My husband, sons and Dad went on their annual fishing trip. Then my daughter went on a campout with her Girl Scout troop, so I was all alone for 2 days. I had been looking forward to having time all to myself but once they were gone I missed them. How crazy is that? I had no one to take care of but myself and you would … Continue reading

Quotable Quote- Christian's Secret Weapon

Satan trembles when he sees, The weakest Christian on his knees. (Author Unknown)

Spring is in Bloom

The azaleas in the front of our house are in full bloom. A sure sign that spring has come. This may be the last year for the purple ones. They have become gigantic, but the blooms are diminishing every year. We planted them the first year we moved here 17 years ago. They were cuttings from someone else’s bushes, mere sticks with tiny root balls. Over the years we have trimmed them trying to keep … Continue reading

The Importance of Proofreading

I enjoy baseball. It is about the only sport that I actually will sit down and watch for any length of time. I have fond childhood memories of listening to the Red Sox games on my transistor radio or hearing it coming from the neighbor’s yard through my open bedroom window when I was supposed to be sleeping. I don’t technically "follow" the games, but I tend to listen to the various sports reports regarding … Continue reading


Hours pass as time goes by, Washing away yesterday. Tomorrow answers in reply A new beginning in today. ©2009 Virginia Donahue

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