Mailbox Surprise
Look what I found in my mailbox today: This is one of my absolute favorite homeschool resources. Bigger than a major city’s telephone book, the 1,358 pages are filled with detailed descriptions and reviews of thousands of products for your school. I refer back to this book all through the year. I take my colored pens and mark things of interest, folding the page corners as I go for quick reference. I use the order … Continue reading
Summer Projects
Summer has come along like gangbusters with its soaring temperatures and longer hours of daylight. A perfect time for us to tackle some projects that have been calling out to be done for months. I have a long “to do” list of things that have either been met with procrastination or have fallen to the prey of neglect. I am hoping to tackle at least two or three of these a week until we head … Continue reading
Paper Crafts
I found this really neat site that might ward off any summertime boredom that might set in. Because of such a busy week that we have been having, we haven’t had a chance to do any of the projects yet, but I have bookmarked it for future use. There are some really great projects that will be perfect for school. Most of them look like they are geared for older children. Canon Creative Park
Ant Invasion
As we began to prepare for our little trip this weekend, one of my worst nightmares began to unfold before my eyes. If you are a regular reader you know about my feelings towards ants, but for those of you who don’t already know, I can’t stand them. I would rather deal with a ton of spiders than creepy, crawly ants. This morning we were very confident that we would be able to beat the … Continue reading
After running several errands, I pulled up to our garage and was greeted by this: My son proceeded to give me a run down on this guy. Because of his past experiences, experiments, and studies of turtles he determined quite quickly that this was a male Eastern Box Turtle. If you’d like to learn a bit more about these critters, this site gives a basic run down.
I am having so much fun setting up Splish’s Scavenger Hunt for The Old Schoolhouse Store. Last week over 500 folks followed through with all the clues to get their prize. I would love it if we exceeded that number this week. We have such generous vendors at the Schoolhouse Store who bless homeschoolers all the time. Most of these folks are small, family businesses who have a heart for the homeschooler. If you missed … Continue reading