
The summer sun hugs the earth, As its rays kiss the morning sky, An exhale of warmth fills the air, And welcomes the day with a sigh. Gentle waves of green whisper hello, Calling out to the dancing flowers, Sweet perfume paints the breeze, Lingering fragrance lasting for hours. A brand new day God creates A season for rejoicing in wonder, The magnificent memories in my heart, The joys only found in summer. ©2009 Virginia … Continue reading

Out with the Old, In with the New

I took a bit of time today to fill out the kids’ legal paperwork with our homeschool association. I had already turned in what they needed for the end of the year, but I needed to register for next year to get the discount. I am glad that I have a basic idea of what we will be using next year because I had to fill that information in for the main subjects. This is … Continue reading

What Pet are you Like?

Hmmm… Maybe I got this because we are in the ‘dog days’ of summer. Maybe I’ll be a cat in winter.   You Are Like a Dog You are a natural best friend. You are very loyal and faithful. In your eyes, your friends can do no wrong. You will stick with them no matter what. You have a protective streak, and you can be downright nasty if you’re being threatened. More than anything else, … Continue reading

Goodbye, Abby the hamster

I’m not sure what it is, but we have not had a good week with our small pets. Friday I found one of my 6-year old parakeets (Lucy) belly up in the cage. The night before she was her chipper self, squawking at Ricky, her cage-mate, and munching down birdseed. Then this afternoon my daughter could not find her hamster in its home. It had buried itself with bedding. She took it out and it … Continue reading

Stovetop Tuna Casserole and Variations

I use cream soups a lot in cooking stove top casseroles. I have been making the same stove top tuna casserole for years. I often add different things to it like chopped tomato or broccoli, but a bit ago I decided to add some sharp shredded cheddar cheese. It was delicious and everyone really liked it so I added it to my recipes. Here is my basic stove top tuna casserole recipe. 1 can cream … Continue reading

Myrtle Beach Mini-Vacation

A couple of weekends ago we took a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach. I wrote about our escapade with the ant invasion but I also wanted to share a small bit about how the vacation went. We had set up the camper in the yard to deal with the ant extermination and naturally it decided to rain. We waited Friday for the rain to let up enough so we could close down the camper. We … Continue reading

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