Hubby's Birthday Surprise
Well, my big surprise for my husband’s birthday went perfectly. Thursday morning my oldest met my younger son and I at my Dad’s house at 6:00 in the morning to pick up the gift. We brought it into the house and set it up. When my husband came home almost 2 hours later than we thought he was totally shocked… and very happy… to see his big surprise. A 50" TV for his 50th birthday. As … Continue reading
Birthday Surprise in the Works
I am so excited. Tomorrow my beloved will turn 50. We have been teasing him for a while now, but he is taking it all in stride as he always does. And do we have a surprise for him! We have been saving for months now to get him something he has been wanting for as long as I can remember. It may be an extravagant gift to some, but you only turn half a … Continue reading
Confessions of a Clutter Bug
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines clutter as a heap or assemblage of things lying in confusion; a word of domestic application. I define it as part of my life. It seems that I struggle daily to keep control of it often losing the battle. Now that is not to say that our home is a total disaster area; far from it. But I fret over what I call organized clutter. The basket of magazines … Continue reading
Back to School 2009
We had our official first day of the new school year today. I had a few moments of grief from my kids early in the day but I nipped it in the bud and the rest of the day went much better. I haven’t quite got my schedule between work, school, and home totally worked out, but I’m working on it. I will be taking Algebra 2 and Chemistry alongside my son this year as … Continue reading
Vacation Procrastination
This past week has been very full with preparations for our vacation. What I mean by that is that we have been cleaning and finishing up projects before our family arrives from Maine. They did arrive last night, a day early, which really threw us into a cleaning frenzy yesterday. I honestly think that "procrastination” should be removed from existence. I sometimes feel like I am the queen of procrastination. I can hear myself thinking … Continue reading
2009-2010 What We Plan to Use
Last week I finally got my paperwork into the homeschool association for registering this year. I dove into my Rainbow Resource catalog and finally made some decisions on what we will be using for some of our subjects next year. Being such an eclectic homeschool leaves the options wide open, but I was looking for things that I thought might keep the kids interest without becoming overwhelming. Even though we are going into our sixth … Continue reading