Are You a Pack Rat?

I wouldn’t exactly call us "pack rats" but I sure do like to hang onto things as long as I have someplace to put it. I have memories from as far back as the 2nd grade. I keep them safe in my hope chest. Just can’t bring myself to throw mementos away.   You’re a Pack Rat in Training You know those crazy old people with a ton of video tapes and cats? Well, you’re training … Continue reading

Homeschooling Rocky Road

For some reason this year seems to be getting off to a rocky start. I mentioned last week that we have exercised one of the benefits of homeschooling which is flexibility. Well, after another week of struggling and coming to the conclusion that I have been pushing my son too much to achieve things that he is not yet ready to accomplish, we decided to switch from Algebra 2 and take geometry instead. He struggled … Continue reading

Free Craft Pattern Site

If you have been following my blog for any time you know I love to craft. While looking for some inspiration for a quilling project I have in the works I stumbled upon a site that I had bookmarked but had long forgotten about. It’s called Craft I think it’s actually a craft supply store but they have a really unique selection of free patterns. I wanted to pass this one on if you hadn’t … Continue reading

A Good School Day

We had a good day in school today, Knowledge and curiosity led the way, Math facts were learned and problems corrected, History facts seemed to be connected, Science experiments didn’t explode, In reading we seemed to have learned the code. We had a good day in school today, But above all the books and learning going on, Our greatest knowledge from which we have drawn, Comes not from the assignments or the goals that are … Continue reading

Diagnosis for Change

I think one of the best things about homeschooling is flexibility. We are heading into our 4th week of school and we have already made some adjustments in our curriculum. We have identified areas that need more reinforcement and study. We are able to stop the planned course of action and focus on those things. One such adjust was made when I realized that we need more instruction in non-fiction writing, specifically in essay writing. … Continue reading

Lunch at the Station

I love the flexibility of homeschooling. In addition to educating our children, it gives us the ability to spend special moments making memories. Yesterday was one of those times. We shared lunch with my oldest son at a local eatery. None of us had ever been there before and found not only the food but also the atmosphere to be satisfying. You see the restaurant used to be a Gulf gas station. I was very … Continue reading

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