Us vs. Them?

I have been trying to make sense of why it is that there seems to be so much animosity between those who have chosen to school their children at home and those that send their children to public or private school. I cannot figure out why there has to be a competition between them. Each group of people has their reasons for their choices. Some feel that their children would not get a proper education … Continue reading

January 1

January 1. There’s something about the start of the New Year that causes me to feel like it is a fresh start, a reason to make changes, a type of “do-over”. I know that every day is new beginning, with its promise of opportunities to do better than the day before, but, for whatever reason, every January 1st seems like a mile marker on my journey through life. This year is no different. As I … Continue reading

Homemade Powdered Laundry Soap

I have had several folks ask how we make our laundry soap. While there are tons of recipes out there, I chose to make powdered laundry soap for the ease of preparation. I usually stock up on the supplies for making it because, for whatever reason, I can’’t find one grocery store that carries all the supplies. I have to go to a couple of different stores to find these everyday supplies. Ingredients: 2 – … Continue reading

A Copybook of the Star Spangled Banner- First Verse

A Copybook of the Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key, First Verse. Use the words of America’s National Anthem to reinforce any study of America and her history. This book includes three sections, one for each level of handwriting skills: manuscript, transitional manuscript, and cursive. The passages are written with guidelines aiding in the proper formation of letters. On each page is a block that can be used by the student to illustrate the passage. … Continue reading

Blogging Break Apology

I have been very sporadic blogging lately. While I have loads more to share about my son’s wedding and life in general, alas, time just has been constrained to work, school, life, and a bit Facebooking here and there. I decided to wait until HSB has done its change over to begin adding more posts so that if anything goes array (which I’m sure won’t happen because they are doing everything possible to prevent that) … Continue reading

Everyone is a Winner

Well, I was only going to pick 3 winners, but changed my mind. I decided since folks were kind enough to show enough interest and enter and then to leave such nice comments, well, they are all winners. I have e-mailed via Payloadz to all of you with a link to download your free copy of my writing prompts book. I hope that you will continue to stop by every now and again even though … Continue reading

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