2011-2012 Schedule
It has been a challenge these past few weeks working out a good schedule to balance our time. We have so many things outside of school that we all do. My son works 2 part time jobs with unpredictable schedules. He is a bagger at the local grocery and a host at a popular restaurant. His bagger job has fallen to only about one or two times a week, but his job as a host … Continue reading
2011-2012 School Year Plans
Today we begin our 4th week of our 8th year of homeschooling. My son will be graduating this year and my daughter is in her first year of high school. The years are flying by and before I know it our homeschooling years will be behind us. It seems like we are just hitting our stride and have learned to navigate through the often times rough seas of academic education at home. I honestly feel … Continue reading
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-4
In my life this week… It was a quiet week, which really is a good thing. Not a whole lot going on. I did empty my work in-box this week and that was something I don’t think I have done since I started working for TOS over 3 years ago. In our homeschool this week… It was a quiet week here as well. We are half way through the Grammar of Poetry and I am … Continue reading
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-3
Life gets so busy and I get so distracted with it that I just don’t fit blogging into it. But I am determined to keep trying until it becomes a habit again. So, after missing a week, here’s some more about our life to share. In my life this week (and last)… After posting my last entry, that Sunday my son was working on a Valentine’s Day gift for his girlfriend and accidently cut the … Continue reading
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-2
In my life this week… I turned 48 this week. On Monday, my son passed his driver’s test. Congratulations, son. Also, my son finally got a job. He has been looking for over 6 months, following up weekly on all the applications he put in. The jobs have been going to older people with experience so it has been really frustrating for him. It is so hard for a kid to find work these days. … Continue reading
The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-1
I ran across this wonderful sharing meme on my dear friend Heidi’s blog and thought it would be a good one to help me get back into the blogging swing. The past year has been so busy and filled to the brim that I have found myself lacking the time to put the proverbial “pen to paper”. So perhaps if I can commit myself to at least posting once a week I can work back … Continue reading