Our Son’s Homeschool Graduation 2012
On April 29, 2012, our middle son graduated homeschool style. My children are not into formal ceremonies at all so we let them determine what they wanted for their graduations. For my oldest son the family gathered at a local restaurant and we just simply presented him with his diploma. That was in 2004. We spoke with our middle son about what he wanted and came up with a plan that fit his personality to … Continue reading
Mission Organization-The Great Garage Clean-out
Our garage seems to always have been in a state of chaos. Stuff seemed to be shoved here, there, and anywhere there was room. This Saturday we set out to tame the mess and I have to say it turned out to be a complete success in just one day. The first thing we did is to take everything off of the shelves. . . and pull it from the corners into the center of … Continue reading
Another Super Simple Spring Wreath
After making my forsythia wreath the other day, I wanted to make different wreath for our back door. This super simple wreath was also quick to make and just as inexpensive as the other. To make this wreath I needed (again I’ve also included a 2012 retail cost break-down. I again used coupons, purchased stuff on sale, and used what I had on hand): (please note that I have buttons, needle, and thread pictured above … Continue reading
Simple Spring Wreath
After many years of the same spring wreath adorning our front door, I was ready for a something new. Because the silk flowers from the old wreath showed their age not to mention the crud of years of outdoor life, I removed them all from the vine wreath and tossed them. A quick trip to Hobby Lobby and I picked up the rest of my supplies. To make my wreath this is what I needed … Continue reading
Weekend Project-New Bathroom Floor
A few months ago we began to give the kids’ bathroom a much needed facelift. After years of the same light brown bathroom walls with red tulip border, forest green vanity, and white and blue pattern linoleum, a re-do was long overdue. I wish I had some before pictures to share so you would get the total effect of time and age of the room, but you will just have to take my word for … Continue reading
Periwinkles and Daffodils
The first signs of spring peak their heads, Waking from their earthen beds, Bright color and cheer, A feast for the eyes, Wash away the grays, Of the winter skies. Periwinkles and daffodils side by side, Silent trumpets calling the passerby, Come stay awhile And sit with us, Add your own song To our quiet opus. Yellows and purples, greens and whites, Play together in sweet delight, And each new bloom, Its herald brings, The … Continue reading