Handwriting Charts and Practice Paper
When my children were young and still learning to write, they kept a handwriting chart in front of them for reference. I put together this book for you to download that includes several different versions of handwriting charts for manuscript, transitional manuscript, and cursive formats in both horizontal and vertical orientations. There are also 20 blank handwriting pages with various line spacing sizes also both in horizontal and vertical orientations. You can just print out … Continue reading
31 Days to Clean-Reboot
I am grabbing my copy of 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way by Sarah Rae and planning to join her the month of June to get our homes in order. I have been continuing with my Mission Organizations, but life has stepped in and slowed the progress. I purchased Sarah’s book back in January and have already worked through it once, but feel the need to go through it again. … Continue reading
My Top Ten Must Have Items for Homeschooling
Continuing with Many Little Blessings and iHomeschoolNetwork.com 10 in 10 series, this week’s topic is our top 10 must have items. I am not sure if this would mean the top 10 must have items that I would like to have or the top 10 items must have items I do have. I think I will go with the latter and appreciate my top 10 must have items that I already have and that have … Continue reading
Flashback Friday-There’s No Place Like Home
I think I am one of the lucky ones who have not had to move around a lot in my life. As a matter of fact, I have lived in 4 apartments (2 when I was a kid and 2 when I was an adult) and 4 different houses. I have very fond memories of the homes that I had the privilege to occupy. The first house that we lived in was in eastern Massachusetts. … Continue reading
My Top Ten Favorite Homeschooling Websites
I recently ran across this lovely website called Many Little Blessings. Fun and full of great posts, I found an especially appealing series called “Top Ten Tuesday”. For the next ten weeks the iHomeschoolNetwork.com is participating in her series with topic-specific themes for homeschooling bloggers to share their “Top Tens”. This week’s topic is top 10 favorite websites to use for homeschooling. There are so many fabulously helpful and encouraging homeschooling websites out there that … Continue reading
Planned Meals from Leftovers-Chicken
I may have mentioned this before, but my husband does not like leftovers. It could be because he has always worked long hours as a truck driver and for many years had to eat supper warmed-over. The kids and I don’t have any issues with day-old food and like to have them for our lunches. But recently I have been trying to figure out ways to make new meals from leftovers that did not present … Continue reading