2012 Gratitude Challenge-Day 3

I love all of my family. They are as unique as the stars in the sky, each one adding light to the darkness. I am very thankful that God, in His perfect design, made me part of this family. I am linking up with Garden of Learning’s Gratitude Challenge and Teaching Good Things 30 Days of Gratitude. Hope that you have too.  

2012 Gratitude Challenge-Day 2

I am so abundantly blessed to have the children that God has entrusted to me. They challenge me and bring me great joy all at the same time. They inspire me to give of myself and encourage me when I am lost. They, too, endure my crazy antics and still proudly call me “Momma”.  I am very thankful that they are individuals but love and support one another as a team.  How truly blessed I … Continue reading

2012 Gratitude Challenge-Day 1

November is quite often a more focused time of reflection on the things that we are thankful for. In our household we usually express our gratitude to our Father in heaven each night during the evening meal blessing. This year I thought I would participate in a series of posts for the month of November spotlighting some of the things that I am grateful for. I will be linking up with Garden of Learning’s Gratitude … Continue reading

Our Bird Photos

Some of our favorite things to photograph are birds. Because they seem to have a hyperactive nature, I am extremely grateful for digital cameras and the ability to take lots of shots to finally get a few that you can actually recognize the subject. Here are some of our favorite pictures taken the past few months. (I have linked the bird names to its respective information page at whatbird.com.) Northern Cardinal (male) House Finches (male … Continue reading

Some of My Favorite Organization Sites

If you have been a visitor to my site for any length of time I am sure it is painfully obvious that I love to organize. It’s probably a good thing that I do love it because it seems that I am always organizing and re-organizing. I think this is mostly because I have yet to find the absolute perfect, stay organized solution for our family, though I feel like I am getting closer. There … Continue reading

Mission Organization: Refrigerator Makeover

Sometimes the simplest ideas seem to elude us, like this idea inspired from something I saw on Pinterest. Cleaning the shelves in my fridge is such a pain; removing everything, taking the shelves out, washing them, drying them, putting everything back. I had seen where some folks line their shelves with plastic wrap then just change it out when it got dirty, but I am more partial to something re-usable. I also saw a post … Continue reading

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